DINABI Calls for an End to Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities


The Disability Not a Barrier Initiative (DINABI) has issued a call to end gender-based violence (GBV) against women and girls with disabilities, emphasizing the need for community action. This appeal was made during a one-day training workshop in Ado-Ekiti, sponsored by the Disability Rights Fund (DRF), focusing on "Community Mobilization Against GBV" for women and girls with disabilities.


Mr. Olajide Funso, Executive Director of DINABI in Ekiti State, highlighted the workshop's goal to educate women and girls with disabilities on the necessary steps to take when facing violence. “We are training them so that they will know the appropriate channels to seek help and how to approach them,” he stated.


Funso also called for greater government inclusion of persons with disabilities in public offices and committees. “In the Ekiti State Gender-Based Violence Coordinating Committee, there is no representation from persons with disabilities. We expect the government to address this,” he said. He also stressed the need for sign language interpreters in all relevant structures to ensure proper inclusiveness and integration into society.


Adetoun Agboola, Special Adviser to the Governor on Special Education and Social Inclusion, spoke on the government's support for persons with disabilities. She announced, “The Governor has allocated about 3.6 hectares of land in Ilokun, Ado-Ekiti, for building facilities for people with severe disabilities. This will include a residential home, recreational center, sports facilities, and farms to engage them.”


Deputy Superintendent of Corps (DSC) for Persons With Disabilities Desk Officer of NSCDC, Ekiti State Command, Mrs. Adejuwon Yemisi, pledged her support for DINABI’s initiative and encouraged victims to speak out.


Representing the Ministry of Women Affairs, Mrs. Akomolafe Helen, standing in for Permanent Secretary Mrs. Omotayo Olatilu, noted that gender violence affects both women and men and urged all victims to come forward for intervention. 

Mrs. Ogundele Seun Olamide, from the Ekiti State Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), commended DINABI for their efforts in combating gender-based violence against women with disabilities. She expressed her support for ongoing and future collaborations to address this critical issue.

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