Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu Condemns Attack on Soldiers in Aba


Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, has strongly denounced the attack on a military checkpoint at Obikabia junction in Ogbor Hill area of Aba, Abia State. The assault, carried out by unidentified assailants, resulted in the tragic loss of four soldiers.


In a statement, Kalu expressed profound dismay at the senseless killing of military personnel who were dutifully serving their country. He described the attack as unjust, cruel, and utterly condemnable.


Representing Bende Federal Constituency of Abia State, Kalu reminded the people of Aba, renowned for their entrepreneurial spirit, that violence is not in their best interest. He emphasized Aba's significance as the commercial hub of the South East and urged against compromising its renowned hospitality with acts of violence, which are contrary to Igbo culture.


While efforts are underway to address insecurity in the South East through non-kinetic approaches advocated by Peace In South East (PISE-P), Kalu stressed the importance of preserving the progress achieved so far.


He called on the people to support President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's government, which has shown exceptional interest in the development of the South East, warning that failure to do so could adversely affect the region's prosperity. 

Urging peace between the people and the Nigerian armed forces, Kalu extended condolences to the families of the victims. He assured the military hierarchy of legislative support to identify the perpetrators and prevent such incidents from recurring in the future.

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