Better Minimum Wage Assured: Nigerian Governors Engage Labour in Negotiations


The Nigeria Governors’ Forum

The Nigeria Governors’ Forum

The Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) has assured Nigerians and the organised labour that ongoing negotiations will result in a better minimum wage. This comes after the governors previously rejected the Federal Government’s proposal of N62,000, citing the need for some states to borrow money to meet salary payments. Meanwhile, organised labour continues to demand a wage of N250,000.

Emergency Meeting and Broader Consultations

In response to the Federal Executive Council's postponement of the minimum wage discussion to allow President Bola Tinubu to conduct broader consultations, the governors held an emergency meeting. The meeting, which extended into the early hours of Thursday, concluded with a communiqué signed by NGF acting Director of Media, Ahmed Salihu, highlighting the key issues discussed.

Commitment to a Mutually Acceptable Solution

The communiqué indicated that the forum discussed the new national minimum wage and agreed to continue engaging with key stakeholders to reach a mutually acceptable solution. The governors emphasized their dedication to the negotiation process, assuring that better wages will result.

Key Points from the Communiqué

·         Women Affairs and World Bank Projects: The forum received a presentation from the Minister of Women Affairs on the World Bank-Nigeria for Women Project Scale-Up. The governors stressed the importance of implementing the project at the state level, as states are the primary obligors. They acknowledged the ministry’s efforts in promoting gender equality, empowering women, and advancing social development.

·          National Minimum Wage Discussion: The governors discussed the new national minimum wage and agreed to continue negotiations with key stakeholders to reach a consensus. They assured the public that better wages will emerge from the ongoing discussions.

·   World Bank Engagement: The governors met with the Acting Country Director of the World Bank, Mr. Taimur Samad, and his team to discuss various programs being implemented in the states, including the HOPE Series of Projects, Food and Nutrition Security, Nigeria For Women Project Scale-Up, Nigeria Community Action for Resilience and Economic Stimulus Programme, State Action on Business Enabling Reforms Program, and Sustainable Power and Irrigation for Nigeria Project.

·     Support for Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms: The governors received a briefing from Mr. Taiwo Oyedele, Chairman of the Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee. They pledged their support for the committee's efforts to implement fiscal policy and tax reforms and to collaborate closely to address any challenges.


The NGF remains committed to engaging with all stakeholders to ensure a fair and sustainable minimum wage. The forum’s ongoing discussions and collaborations with various ministries and organizations underscore their dedication to improving the welfare of workers and promoting economic stability across Nigeria.

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