Courts Block Key Parts of Biden's Student Loan Repayment Plan: What You Need to Know


US President, Joe Biden

US President, Joe Biden

Two federal judges have halted significant elements of President Joe Biden’s student loan repayment program, casting uncertainty over the administration’s plan to lower monthly payments and forgive student debt for millions of Americans.

The Court Rulings

On Monday, rulings from two separate federal judges in response to lawsuits filed by Republican-led states blocked the Department of Education from advancing major aspects of Biden’s SAVE loan repayment program. These decisions prevent the administration from reducing monthly payments for millions of borrowers as planned in July or canceling additional debt under the program.

Impact on Borrowers

The SAVE plan, introduced by the Biden administration last year, aims to be the most affordable option for federal student loan borrowers. Over 8 million borrowers are currently enrolled, with $5.5 billion in debt already forgiven for 414,000 borrowers. The program was designed to provide relief even as the Covid-era payment pause ended and broader loan forgiveness efforts were thwarted by the Supreme Court.

Republican Opposition

Republicans argue that Biden's executive actions to ease or erase student debt exceed his legal authority. The recent court rulings partially agree with this view. District Judge John A. Ross of the Eastern District of Missouri issued an injunction stopping any further loan forgiveness under the SAVE program, citing likely harm to the Missouri Higher Education Assistance Agency. District Judge Daniel Crabtree of Kansas blocked a provision of the SAVE program that would further lower some borrowers’ monthly payments, stating the Education Department lacked clear congressional authority for such actions.

Details of the Rulings

·         Missouri Ruling: Judge Ross's injunction takes effect immediately, blocking any further loan forgiveness until the full case is decided. The judge sided with Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, arguing the Biden administration lacks the authority to forgive student debt under the SAVE program.

·         Kansas Ruling: Judge Crabtree’s injunction delays blocking lower monthly payments until June 30 to allow the administration time to appeal. He cited concerns about the feasibility of reversing parts of the program already in place and noted the Republican states' delayed filing undermined their urgency claims.

Future Implications

The Education Department has not yet commented on the rulings. The block on loan forgiveness takes immediate effect, while the lower payment block is deferred until June 30. Advocacy groups have criticized the rulings, with Mike Pierce of the Student Borrower Protection Center condemning the courts for causing "chaos across the student loan system" and urging the Biden administration to consider halting the student loan system until borrowers receive promised rights.


The recent court decisions create significant uncertainty for the future of Biden’s student loan repayment program. Borrowers and advocates will closely watch for further developments and potential appeals by the administration.

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