NIMC Denies Allegations of Data Breach


National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)

National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)

The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) has firmly denied recent allegations of a data breach. Kayode Adegoke, Head of Corporate Communications at NIMC, issued a statement on Saturday to address these concerns.

False Reports of Data for Sale

Reports had circulated, claiming that certain websites were offering to sell the data of Nigerian citizens. The Commission, however, reassured the public that their data remains secure and has not been compromised. NIMC also warned against providing personal information to unauthorized and potentially malicious websites.

Official Statement from NIMC

“The Commission assures the public that the data of Nigerians have not been compromised. NIMC has not authorized any website or entity to sell or misuse the National Identification Number (NIN) or any other personal identities mentioned in the reports,” Adegoke stated.

Warning Against Unauthorized Websites

NIMC identified several websites, including, Verify.Ng/signin,,, and, as unauthorized data harvesters. These sites are not sanctioned by NIMC and are potentially fraudulent. The Commission urged the public to disregard any claims or services offered by these websites and to avoid sharing personal data with them.

Robust Data Security Measures

NIMC emphasized that it has implemented robust measures to protect the nation’s database from cyber threats. The Commission's infrastructure adheres to the stringent ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System Standard and complies strictly with the Nigerian Data Protection Law.

Advising Public Vigilance

NIMC advised Nigerians to be cautious about giving their data to unauthorized and phishing sites to prevent data harvesting and compromise. The Commission reaffirmed its commitment to ethical data protection standards in line with federal government directives and data privacy regulations. Additionally, NIMC noted that licensed partners or vendors are not permitted to scan or store NIN slips but should verify NINs through approved channels.

Ongoing Security Efforts

The Commission is actively working with security operatives to apprehend those masquerading as online vendors. These individuals will face legal consequences for their actions. NIMC urged the public to remain vigilant against false information and to rely on verified sources for accurate updates.

Commitment to Data Security

“The Commission remains committed to providing secure and reliable identity management. We uphold the highest level of security for our systems and databases, which are critical national assets,” the statement concluded.

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