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NANS Condemns Ogun Student Killing, Urges Enhanced Campus Security


NANS Condemns Ogun Student Killing, Urges Enhanced Campus Security

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Ogun Joint Campus Committee (JCC) has strongly condemned the recent murder of Ayinla Fabiyi, a 400-level student at Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED). NANS has called for immediate and strict security measures across all campuses to prevent future tragedies.

Incident Details

According to reports, Ayinla Fabiyi, a student in the History and Diplomatic Studies Department and a Senator at TASUED, was brutally murdered by suspected cultists on Wednesday. The tragic event occurred as Fabiyi was celebrating his 'logging out' in front of the lecture theatre. He was forcibly dragged towards the CENVOS building, where he was attacked, beaten, and fatally macheted.

NANS Statement

In a statement signed by NANS Ogun JCC Chairman Adeyanju Francis, the student body expressed shock and grief over the incident, emphasizing that educational institutions should be safe havens for students. Francis urged the university management to release a detailed security plan and provide support services for traumatized students.

"The act of violence has left our union devastated. We mourn the loss of a promising young leader and student. A place of learning should be a haven, not a hunting ground," Francis stated.

Calls to Action

NANS has called on various entities to take immediate and decisive actions:

·         Tai Solarin University of Education Management: Conduct a thorough investigation into the incident and implement comprehensive security measures to ensure student safety. Additionally, provide counseling and support services for students affected by this horrific event and organize sensitization programs on vital security measures.

·         Nigerian Police: Ensure the continuous safety and security of all students within the university, maintaining a strong presence and response to any threats.

NANS' Demands

NANS demands the following from the university and law enforcement:

1.   Immediate Security Measures: Implementation of strict security protocols to prevent such incidents in the future.

2.   Support Services: Provision of counseling and support for students traumatized by the event.

3.   Sensitization Programs: Educational initiatives to inform students about security measures and personal safety.

4.   Thorough Investigation: A comprehensive investigation into the incident to bring the perpetrators to justice.


NANS remains committed to ensuring the safety and security of students across Nigerian campuses. The association urges all relevant authorities to prioritize student safety and take swift action to prevent further tragedies.

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