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Nigerian Senate Refutes Allegations of Self-Determined Salaries and Special Allowances


Nigerian Senate Refutes Allegations of Self-Determined Salaries and Special Allowances

The Nigerian Senate has strongly refuted recent allegations claiming that it determines its own salaries and allowances or receives special financial packages from the Presidency. The upper legislative chamber came under scrutiny following a visit to former President Olusegun Obasanjo, sparking widespread controversy.

Senate's Official Response

In a statement released on Sunday, Senate Spokesman Yemi Adaramodu addressed the allegations, categorically denying any claims that the 10th Senate has received financial patronage from the Presidency. He emphasized that the Senate's remuneration is determined by the Revenue Mobilisation Fiscal Allocation Commission (RMFAC) in strict accordance with constitutional guidelines.

"The salaries and allowances paid to Senators have always been allocated by the RMFAC, following the provisions of the constitution. This information has consistently been in the public domain," Adaramodu stated.

Clarification on Constituency Projects

Adaramodu also addressed the ongoing public discourse surrounding constituency projects, clarifying that these projects are not exclusively determined by Senators. Instead, Senators merely suggest and nominate projects, a practice that is common in democracies around the world.

"The Executive arm of government, through its various Ministries and agencies, is responsible for awarding contracts for constituency projects. The funds allocated for these projects vary depending on the number of constituencies in each state, ensuring that every region of Nigeria benefits from federal resources," he explained.

Challenge to Critics

The Senate challenged anyone with evidence to the contrary to come forward, insisting that the notion that Senators determine their own salaries is entirely false. The statement sought to reassure the public that the Senate operates transparently and within the bounds of the law.

Commitment to Nigeria’s Growth

As Nigeria enters what some describe as a "season of political pontificating," Adaramodu assured the public that the 10th Assembly remains a "responsible and responsive chamber." The Senate reaffirmed its commitment to the economic growth and development of Nigeria, reiterating that it only receives what is constitutionally allocated and would never seek additional perks from other branches of government.

Key Points:

  • Refuted Allegations: The Nigerian Senate denies determining its own salaries and allowances or receiving special packages from the Presidency.
  • RMFAC's Role: Senate remuneration is allocated by the Revenue Mobilisation Fiscal Allocation Commission, following constitutional provisions.
  • Clarification on Projects: Senators suggest constituency projects, but the Executive arm awards contracts and manages funds.
  • Challenge to Evidence: The Senate invites anyone with contrary evidence to come forward, reinforcing its commitment to transparency.
  • Commitment to Nigeria: The 10th Assembly pledges to remain responsible and focused on Nigeria's economic growth.

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