Yul Edochie Alleges Death Threats Against Wife Judy Austin and Children


Nollywood actor and pastor, Yul Edochie

Nollywood actor and pastor, Yul Edochie

Nollywood actor and pastor, Yul Edochie, has revealed an alleged plot by individuals to kill his second wife, Judy Austin, and harm their two children. The actor took to social media to share this alarming news, stating that the threats have escalated to dangerous levels.

Background on Yul Edochie's Family

In November 2021, Judy Austin welcomed a son named Star Munachimso with Yul Edochie. On April 21, 2022, Yul publicly introduced Judy as his second wife, a move that sparked significant controversy. Prior to this, Yul had been married to May for over 17 years, with whom he shares four children.

May Edochie, who was displeased with her husband's new union, revealed that Yul paid Judy’s bride price on April 24, 2022, without her knowledge. This led May to file for divorce in August 2023, with the court proceedings kept largely private.

Public Reaction and Social Media Fallout

Yul's announcement of his second marriage caused a major backlash on social media, leading to a mix of criticism and support from fans. Both Yul and Judy have since been the subjects of numerous internet jokes, particularly on Facebook where they share live videos and a mini-reality show.

However, these activities have also attracted serious threats. In a recent social media post, Yul claimed that a group of individuals created platforms to bully his fans, friends, and business associates, and to issue threats against his family.

Threats to Life and Police Involvement

Yul stated that the group, operating primarily on WhatsApp, has been harassing people and even posted his home address online, threatening to harm his children and kill Judy. Yul has reported these threats to the police and is offering a one million naira reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible.

On Instagram, Yul wrote: “A group of jobless and foolish people formed a WhatsApp group and social media pages to threaten my fans, friends, and business associates. Bullying is unacceptable. I have reported the matter to the police. If anyone threatens you, record the call, copy the number, and text, and send it to me so I can forward it to the police for tracking.”

He added, “They went as far as posting my house address and threatening to hurt my children and kill Judy. They have crossed the line. You cannot dictate how another person lives their life. God punish all of you. I will get you all. I’m offering N1 million and more to anyone who can provide helpful information leading to their arrest.”

Call to Action Against Cyber-bullying

Yul urged anyone receiving threatening calls or texts to record and forward the communication to him for police tracking. He called on his fans and friends worldwide to assist in apprehending those responsible, emphasizing that cyber-bullying is unacceptable.

“Please assist me in apprehending these psychos. I thank you all for your love and support. God bless you. Cyber-bullying is unacceptable,” he stated.

Yul's plea highlights the serious nature of the threats and his commitment to ensuring the safety of his family. He is determined to fight against such behaviors and ensure that the perpetrators face legal consequences.

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