Enugu Govt Condemns EEDC for Unlawful Electric Bills and Disconnections


The Enugu State Government has strongly criticized the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) for its recent actions of billing and disconnecting several state government offices. The government described these actions as unlawful, malicious, callous, and vexatious.

Disputed Claims and Payments

EEDC claims that the Enugu State Government owes them N1.3 billion. However, the government refuted this, stating that it has been promptly paying all electricity bills received from EEDC since May 2023. Additionally, the administration of Governor Peter Mbah has cleared two months of outstanding debts inherited from previous administrations.

Government’s Formal Response 

In a letter dated June 11, 2024, addressed to the EEDC Managing Director/CEO and signed by the Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Chidiebere Onyia, the government outlined its position:

Publication and Disconnections: The letter expressed disapproval of the disconnection notice published in national newspapers and the actual disconnections that took place on June 8, 2024. These actions were deemed to be based on incorrect premises and in violation of NERC rules and orders on estimated billing for Maximum Demand customers.

Outstanding Bills: The government clarified that the claimed outstanding bills are for estimated billing of Maximum Demand agencies and parastatals from the previous administration. The current administration has diligently paid all bills from May 2023 to date, including two months of inherited bills.


NERC Regulations 

The government highlighted relevant sections of the NERC Order NO/NERC/197/2020: 

Paragraph 13(a): "Any Maximum Demand agencies and parastatals customer not provided with a meter by March 1, 2017, shall not pay any electricity bills presented by a DisCo on the basis of estimated billing methodology." 

Paragraph 13(b): "No DisCo shall disconnect any Maximum Demand agencies and parastatals customers that were not metered by March 1, 2024, on the basis of the customer’s refusal to pay an invoice issued on the basis of estimated billing after the compliance deadline."

Government Demands and Actions 

Given the provisions of the NERC Order, the government declared the recent disconnections of institutions like the College of Medicine, ESUT Teaching Hospital, Housing Development Corporation, and the State Secretariat as unlawful and damaging to the state’s reputation. The government demanded:

Detailed Bills and Account Histories: For a forensic audit of the claimed debts.

Immediate Metering: Of all state agencies in compliance with NERC Order.

Refund of Infrastructure Investments: For electricity infrastructure projects totaling N2,979,334,305.19, from which EEDC benefits.

Retraction and Reconnection: A public retraction of the false debt claims and immediate reconnection of all disconnected government agencies.


Response from EEDC 

In response, EEDC’s Head of Corporate Communications, Emeka Ezeh, stated that the sealing of EEDC offices by the Enugu Capital Territory Development Authority had disrupted their operations. Ezeh also reiterated the company's stance that the Enugu government alone owes N1 billion out of a regional debt of N180 billion.


The Enugu State Government has taken a firm stance against EEDC’s actions, emphasizing the need for transparency, adherence to regulations, and proper metering practices. The resolution of this dispute will likely hinge on the enforcement of NERC regulations and the clarification of outstanding debts.

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