Nigeria Can Boost Revenue Without New Taxes – Oyedele


Chairman, Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee, Taiwo Oyedele

Chairman, Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee, Taiwo Oyedele

Nigeria can significantly increase its revenue without imposing new taxes, according to Taiwo Oyedele, Chairman of Nigeria’s Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee.

Leveraging Technology for Better Tax Administration

In an interview on Channel Television’s “Politics Today,” Oyedele highlighted the potential of leveraging technology to improve tax administration and close the estimated N20 trillion tax gap in Nigeria. He emphasized that the committee has undertaken extensive consultations with governors, federal revenue services, and primary sector stakeholders to explore efficient revenue-boosting strategies.

Consolidating and Harmonizing Existing Taxes

Oyedele pointed out that Nigeria currently has over 60 different taxes and levies, yet the revenue collected is insufficient to fund essential infrastructure like roads. He advocates for consolidating and harmonizing existing taxes instead of introducing new ones.

“We have over 60 different taxes and levies but haven’t collected enough to adequately fund infrastructure like roads,” Oyedele noted. “Instead of introducing new taxes, we advocate consolidating and harmonizing existing ones,” he added.

Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee

In July 2023, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu inaugurated the Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee to address key challenges in Nigeria’s tax system. The committee's goal is to create a more efficient and effective tax structure that can generate adequate revenue without overburdening citizens with new taxes.

Revenue Collection Milestones

In 2023, Nigeria collected N12.37 trillion in revenue. In the first quarter of 2024, revenue collection surged to N3.94 trillion, with a target of N19.4 trillion for the year. These figures highlight the potential for significant revenue growth through improved tax administration and strategic reforms.

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