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Organized Labour Refutes Senate President's Economic Sabotage Claims


Organized labour has strongly dismissed claims by Senate President Godswill Akpabio that its recent nationwide strike constitutes economic sabotage. According to the labour unions, the real economic saboteurs are those who loot national resources, not the workforce advocating for fair conditions.


Labour expressed concerns over Akpabio's remarks, particularly his suggestion that the Senate might move into an executive session to address the strike. They argue that such a move undermines the principles of open and transparent debate essential to parliamentary proceedings.


In a statement by Benson Upah, Head of Information and Public Affairs, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) asserted that for the past 25 years, the political elite, through acts of corruption and abuse of power, have been the true saboteurs of Nigeria, not the workers.


The statement reads:


"NLC strongly refutes Senate President, Senator Godswill Akpabio’s recent claims that the indefinite nationwide strike by the NLC and Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) constitutes economic sabotage. Such accusations are baseless and deeply troubling for Nigerian patriots and democracy advocates.


The strike, initiated on June 3, was in response to the Federal Government’s refusal to conclude national minimum wage negotiations, reverse electricity tariff hikes, and end discriminatory consumer classifications. This legally-conducted strike reflects the frustration of Nigerian workers facing economic hardships and deteriorating working conditions.


Senator Akpabio’s statements undermine the democratic principles the Senate professes to uphold. The National Assembly, being the closest arm of government to the people, should understand the people’s sentiments. This ought to guide their actions and pronouncements accordingly.


Strikes are not only legal but a civic duty and a critical tool for holding those in authority and power accountable. It is a democratic right, essential for preventing dictatorship and social collapse.


For the past 25 years, the political elite willfully sabotaged Nigeria through acts of corruption and abuse of power, not the workers. The true economic saboteurs are those looting national resources, not the labour force.


We, therefore, urge patriotic members of the Senate and the House of Representatives to distance themselves from these damaging remarks. Nigerian workers have the constitutional right to go on strike in response to unfair labour practices, and the NLC and TUC have exercised this right lawfully.


The economic issues prompting the strike, like electricity tariff hikes and unfair consumer classifications, are burdens that exacerbate poverty and inequality but from which the political elite are insulated. The NLC will continue to advocate for fair economic policies and a national minimum wage that is realistic.


Labour unions played a crucial role in restoring democracy to Nigeria, from which current lawmakers benefit. Therefore, they will not sabotage it. The NLC remains committed to protecting workers’ rights and calls on government representatives to address the underlying issues leading to the strike through constructive dialogue and genuine efforts to improve living standards, instead of indulging in eye-service criticism.


The Senate President should realise that the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has settled the right to strike, despite Senator Lalong as Minister of Labour, voting against it. We call on him to retrace his steps and know that he is President of the Senate, not Chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Nigeria.


We remain open to dialogue with the government for sustainable solutions benefiting all Nigerians and expect proactive interventions to prevent anti-worker policies. We will not be intimidated by such unfortunate statements from the hallowed chambers of the Senate and we expect due apologies if it was a slip. Any attempt to undermine legitimate labour actions will not be acceptable."


This strong response from labour underscores their determination to protect workers' rights and demand fair economic policies amidst Nigeria’s current challenges.

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