DNA Test Required for Mohbad’s Son Before Burial, Insists Father


Joseph Aloba, father of the late Nigerian singer Ilerioluwa Aloba, known as Mohbad, has declared that a DNA test must be conducted on his grandson before Mohbad can be buried.


Following public outcry over Mohbad’s controversial death, his body was exhumed for an autopsy. However, the autopsy failed to determine the cause of death, prompting calls for his burial to proceed.


In a recent interview with TVC, Mr. Aloba emphasized that he will not permit the burial until a DNA test confirms the paternity of Mohbad’s son, Liam. He expressed doubts about the child's paternity, citing concerns over the behavior of Mohbad's wife.


“I have to do the DNA [on Mohbad’s son] before the burial,” Aloba insisted. “I’m doubting the paternity of Mohbad’s son. Sometimes she [Mohbad’s wife] will leave home for three days without her husband's consent.”


Addressing allegations that he is trying to inherit Mohbad’s belongings and wearing his clothes, Aloba clarified their relationship. “When Mohbad was alive, we were friends. If he bought clothes for himself, he would also buy for me. Since his death, I have never gone to his house or taken anything. People misinterpret things; whenever they see me in a shirt, they assume it is Mohbad’s. But I have my own clothes, too.” 

Aloba’s stance underscores the ongoing complexities surrounding Mohbad’s death and the family's efforts to resolve lingering doubts before proceeding with his final rites.

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