CNP Opposes N250,000 Minimum Wage


The Concerned Nigerian Patriots (CNP) has expressed strong opposition to the recent demands by organized labor for a N250,000 minimum wage. The group warns that such a wage increase could drive Nigeria into another recession, further complicating the economic challenges that President Bola Tinubu's administration is working hard to address.


According to CNP, pushing for a financially unfeasible wage hike risks inciting chaos and undermining Nigeria's democracy. At a press conference in Abuja, CNP chairman Alfa Mohammed alleged that labor unions plan to shut down essential infrastructure under the guise of fighting for a living wage. This, he said, could cripple the nation's economy and disproportionately harm the most vulnerable citizens.


Mohammed pointed out that labor unions had initially demanded a minimum wage of N605,000, then reduced it to N494,000, and now to N250,000. He claims this strategy is designed to force the government into adopting an economically unsustainable policy. Such a drastic wage increase, he argued, would likely lead to severe inflation, higher unemployment, decreased productivity, and greater economic hardship.


“We urge all Nigerians, especially our diligent workforce, to see through this veil of mischief. When a government is sabotaged, the masses suffer the consequences. It is the responsibility of every citizen to support and pray for the success of our government, not to undermine it,” Mohammed stated.


CNP calls on Nigerians to:

- Reject unrealistic wage demands and support sustainable wages determined by the government and private sector employers.

- Oppose disruptive strikes and insist on dialogue.

- Reject strike actions aimed at destabilizing the government.


To President Tinubu and the ruling class, CNP recommends the immediate introduction of policies to reduce inflation, particularly in the food, transportation, medical, agriculture, and energy sectors. The group suggests:

- Provision of credit schemes for PMS-CNG conversion and CNG vehicle hire purchase.

- Funding mechanized farming projects across all states, with a commodity board to manage excess produce.

- Intensifying the use of technology to address security challenges.

- Adopting an austere recurrent expenditure budget reflecting the current economic situation.

- Exclusively using locally assembled or manufactured vehicles for government officials.


Mohammed concluded by emphasizing the need for realistic and sustainable economic policies to ensure the well-being of all Nigerians.

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